Dear Ill. Congressional Delegation, Sen. Duckworth and Sen. Durbin

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July 8, 2020

On behalf of Lichtman Eisen Partners, Ltd. I have written a letter to the Illinois Congressional Delegation, Senator Duckworth and Senator Durbin, to urge them to revise and strike prohibitions on debt collection from the recently passed H.R. 6800, the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act (the “Heroes Act”). The Heroes Act is a $3 trillion package that enacts, among other things, many severe debt collection-related restrictions.

I believe Section 110601 entitled, “Restrictions on Collections of Small Business and Nonprofit Debt During a National Disaster or Emergency,” of the Heroes Act, will cause significant economic harm and job loss for years to come.

America runs on credit. The availability of credit and the creditor’s ability to enforce its credit agreements creates jobs. This legislation will result in a credit crunch and cause needless unemployment among many other issues for many, many years into the future.

Read the full letter here.

Very truly yours,

Marc S. Lichtman

Attorney at Law & President of Lichtman Eisen Partners, Ltd.