Posts in COVID-19
Updated Aug. 6, 2020: COVID-19: FAQs & Helpful Resources


The rapidly evolving COVID-19 crisis has Illinois courts limiting their operations. In an effort to provide you with the most up to date information on how changes at Lichtman Eisen Partners and within Illinois’ courts and state government offices may impact you, we have compiled a list of resources, as well as Frequently Asked Questions and their answers.

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Illinois Bankruptcy Court Rules Force Majeure Clause Partially Excuses Rent Payments

As restaurants saw their revenues plummet and the usual monthly bills, like rent, continued to roll in, they began to panic. Hitz Restaurant Group (Hitz), a multi-concept restaurant operator based in Chicago, was one of them. The restaurant group leased space from Kass Management Services, Inc. (KSM) and on February 24, 2020, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection from its creditors, KSM, citing the loss of sales from the COVID-19 pandemic as to why they were unable to pay rent.

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How a Creditor can Collect During the COVID-19 Pandemic

As COVID-19 spreads around the world, businesses are facing unprecedented economic and operational challenges. Despite the rapidly evolving and unusual circumstances this pandemic has created, it is still possible to be proactive in collections. Follow these three tips to increase your chances for success and get paid what you are owed today.

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